Aki Kimura


Aki is a friend of Licca. She had been available as a Kindergarten friend for several years when the 11 year old version was released for the first time in 1999, as part of the "Hair Color Change" series (together with Kira). The version above is a Licca-chan musical original, limited to 60 pieces. It was sold during the Licca-chan musical which opened in Tokyo on December 23, 1999.
Here she's redressed in a Color Candy outfit. In the picture on the right is Kindergarten Aki.
My Aki.

This doll is "Yukata Aki-chan" in 2002. Yukata is traditional clothes of summer in Japan, it is not formal. 

 The marking of the head of "Aki-chan" is the same as Licca of the present type and "Palette F".

Picture by mars2015@bellstek.net