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Eriko – 04ANlw

Eriko’s name creates the urge to understand others, but it limits her vision, tuning her to technical details. Her name has created a congenial nature with the desire to associate in friendship and understanding both socially and in the business world. Peaceful and settled conditions appeal to Eriko and she is naturally desirous of having the security of a home, where her life could follow a definite pattern, and where she would not have to make major decisions. Eriko finds it difficult to take a definite stand, partly because she lacks confidence, and also because she dislikes any issues which create dissension between people. Procrastination is a weakness of Eriko’s nature, causing an inability always to complete her plans or to concentrate for long.

Eriko's name means "child with a collar".


Saori - ANyl

Saori’s name creates an interest in the deeper aspects of life, but it causes a materialistic approach that frustrates higher humanitarian qualities. This name has created a deep, sensitive, refined nature with an intelligent mind. As Saori is particularly clever along business lines, and has mathematical ability and a keen appreciation of material values, she is inclined towards the business world. Saori would do well in a managerial position, as she has executive ability and a poised manner able to take charge and see that procedures are followed. Saori appreciates the finer things of life and looks for quality in her material possessions. her sensitivity and rather reserved manner make it very difficult for people really to know her.

Saori's name means "small chance".


Tomiko – 04ANpk

Tomiko’s creates the urge to be self-expressive and happy, but it causes procrastination and lack of confidence, and thus she is unable to realize her goals and ambitions. Tomiko’s name creates an easy-going, good-natured personality, meeting and mixing easily. She appreciates the company of others, to the point that she does not like to be by herself for very long. She is gifted with natural expression, both verbal and musical, but she finds it tedious to study music and practice theory. Anything that involves concentration or just plain hard work, Saori prefers to avoid as best she can. Although she has many creative, original ideas, procrastination is her worst enemy because she can seldom make decisions and carry them out.

Tomiko's name means "child of wealth", "the one born in wealthy family".


Midori – 04HB

Although the name Midori creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, it also causes a restless intensity that defies relaxation. Midori’s name creates a restless, creative nature that takes her into many ventures, but does not allow her to see things through to a satisfactory completion. Midori’s is a versatile, musical, artistic, but independent nature and she must have the freedom to express her creative ideas and abilities to be happy. An urge for independence causes dissatisfaction and frustration in close relationships and Midori finds the "ties that bind" restricting. The qualities of this name would find a more constructive outlet in work that involves high-pressure selling or promotional activities, possibly in community affairs, for it contains a positive, driving power.

Midori's name means "green".


Mitsu – 04DAtb

Mitsu’s name creates the urge to be versatile and ambitious, but it causes blunt expression that alienates others. It has also given Mitsu the desire for creative, artistic or musical expression in an original way. She strives to be different and have the self-confidence to implement her ideas because she has the perseverance necessary to see something through, despite obstacles. Although Mitsu meets new people easily, it is not easy for her to maintain a relaxed, harmonious relationship.

Mitsu's name means "shine" or "reflect".



Satomi - 04DAtw

Satomi's name creates an interest in the deeper aspects of life, but this causes a restless intensity that defies relaxation. The name of Satomi has given her sensitivity and appreciation for the finer and deeper things in life. She can enjoy reading, study, and contemplation about many different subjects. When her interests or curiosity are aroused, she works intensely at new undertakings, but her interests often wane when she encounters drudgery and monotony, with the result that she leaves many things unfinished. Satomi's name has taken her into many bitter experiences. The greatest lack in her life is stability and peace of mind. A peaceful and quiet environment, especially out in nature, is one of her greatest desires, but she is constantly taken into chaotic conditions.

Satomi's name means "wise" and "beautiful".


Yukari – 04HBpk

Although the name Yukari creates the urge to be both logical and technical, it limits her versatility and scope, tuning her to technical details exclusively. Yukari’s name has made her a patient, meticulous person who enjoys working in a detailed, systematic way. Yukari is determined and deliberate in pursuing her ambitions, but she must work at her own speed. Yukari hates to be hurried or to leave anything unfinished or untidy. Her infinite patience would allow her to develop intricate, involved skills to perfection. Often feeling burdened with work, she worries about details out of proportion to their importance.

Yukari's name means "gentle Jasmine flower".





Chinatsumi - SCRamble

Chinatsumi’s name creates the urge to be both logical and technical, but it causes a restless intensity that defies relaxation. This name can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success while making Chinatsumi desire system and order. Chinatsumi likes to progress step by step, yet she is taken into new experiences, turmoil, and change and rarely can she fully complete an undertaking to her satisfaction. Chinatsumi is extremely analytical and sometimes critical of both others and of herself, and must guard against sarcastic speech and temper.

Chinatsumi's name means "thousand beautiful summers".


Rana - 04RDtm - Brunette

Rana’s name creates the urge to understand others, but can limit self-expression and self-confidence causing moods. It contributes sensitive, creative, and idealistic qualities to her nature that could be expressed in a variety of literary or artistic fields. Rana desires harmony and refinement in her environment and in all her personal associations. Although mentally quick and intuitive in recognizing the thoughts and feelings of others, Rana experiences a lack of fluency in verbal expression in responding.

Rana's name means "love orchid".



Ramika - 04RDtm - Redhead

Ramika’s name creates the urge to organize and work with others, but it also causes an over-emphasis on material things that frustrates higher humanitarian qualities. This name, gives Ramika a good appreciation of material values, business ability, and skill in organizing and managing others, her success is limited at times, by a lack of self-confidence and initiative. Ramika’s name brings out a practical, composed quality, with a strong desire for a good standard of living in an environment where she is in contact with distinguished, successful people. Ramika tries to further her interests through pursuing an association with people with influence.

Ramika's name means "beautiful petal".


Miya - 04CM

Although the name Miya creates the urge to be creative and original, it also causes frustration through a scattered and emotional nature. This name, has made Miya a friendly, approachable, and generous person. Generally she is good-natured, though at times she can be blunt and sarcastic. As Miya is naturally talkative, she finds it easy to meet and make friends with many people. Miya’s name inclines her to be sympathetic and generous to those in difficult or unfortunate circumstances. She can be firm, positive, and independent in her own ideas and in reaching her own decisions, yet when it comes to taking action or following things through to completion, she often needs encouragement. Mia responds quickly to kind words or any appreciation shown her. There are artistic, creative abilities in this name that Miya could express through music or singing, or, in a practical way, through sewing or interior decorating.

Miya's name means "three arrows" or "temple" or "sacred house".



Aiko - 04HByl

Although the name Aiko creates an interest in the deeper aspects of life, it also causes an emotional intensity that is hard to control. Aiko’s name has given her inspirational, idealistic, and dramatic qualities. She has a clever, deep mind and the talent to excel in highly inspirational lines of endeavour as a dramatist, musician, writer, or artist. Aiko can be lifted by beauty in all forms and is at the most creative when inspired. Her expressive, affectionate nature responds quickly through her feelings, but she must guard against being possessive and jealous.

Aiko's name means "beloved one, little love".


Namie - DHEXs

Namie’s name creates in her the urge to be reliable and responsible, but it can also cause a superior, interfering expression whose favorite expression is "I know". Her name gives Namie a clever mind, good business judgment, a sense of responsibility, and an appreciation of the finer things of life. She is serious-minded and not inclined to make light of things even in little ways, and in her younger years she has more mature interests than others her age. Home and family mean a great deal to Namie and it is natural that she should desire the security of a peaceful, settled home environment where she can enjoy the companionship of family and friends. Whatever Namie sets out to accomplish she does her very best to complete in accordance with what she considers to be right.

Namie's name means "wave".



Keisuke - DHEXl

Although Keisuke’s name creates in her the urge to be both logical and technical, it also causes an emotional intensity that is hard to control. The name of Keisuke has created the desire to focus on the details of her immediate interests to the extent that others consider her to be fussy. She is attracted to, and could excel in, the mechanical or technical fields, such as computers. Instead of establishing the system and order Keisuke would like, she is over-particular in some things that matter to her personally but lax and indulgent in other ways. Keisuke places great importance on whatever she happens to be interested in, and can be quite thorough and detailed in what she is doing, but finds it difficult to be consistent.

Keisuke's name means "herald celebration".


Wakiko - 04HBrd

Wakiko’s name creates an interest in the deeper aspects of life, but it also limits self-expression and friendly congeniality with a moody disposition. This name gives Wakiko a clever, quick, analytical mind, but she suffers with a great deal of self-consciousness, lack of confidence, and much aloneness because of misunderstandings. Wakiko’s idealistic and sensitive nature gives her a deep appreciation for the finer things of life and a strong desire to be of service to humanity. There are times when she experiences inner turbulence at her inability to say what she means. It is far easier for Wakiko to express her deeper thoughts and feelings through writing than verbally. She finds pleasure in literature, in poetry, and in her ideals and will turn to them when she feels she has been misunderstood. Wakiko is deeply moved by the beauties of life, especially nature.

Wakiko's name means "child of Waki".


Hitsuji - 02HM

Although the name Hitsuji creates the urge to be self-expressive and happy, it can cause intolerance and impatience. Hitsuji’s namecreates a happy, versatile, and expressive nature, with good business judgment and a fine sense of responsibility, which should enable her to establish congenial relationships in positions of trust where she is dealing with the public. Hitsuji has a clever, quick mind, with the ability to accomplish a great deal in a short period of time, although it is not easy for her to systematize her efforts. This name could allow expression along musical and artistic lines and gives Hitsuji the desire to entertain and to meet and mix with people of refinement and culture.

Hitsuji's name means "sheep".


Okimi - 04SSbc

Although the name Okimi creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, it frustrates Okimi through a scattered and emotional nature. Okimi, has a natural interest in the welfare of her fellow man, and a desire to help and serve others in a humanitarian way. She is responsible and generous, although somewhat scattering and disorganized at times. Any jobs requiring systematic and conscientious effort, or involving any form of drudgery, dismay her. In work, Okimi would seek a position offering self-expression through contact with people, such as sales or teaching, or a position giving scope to her creative, artistic talents. Okimi is good-natured and likeable, and people tend to confide in her and seek her advice in personal problems. Others sense Okimi’s sincere interest and desire to help, and she can always be counted on to see the bright side of any problem.

Okimi's name means "beautiful radiant thread".



Utano - 03AN

Although the name Utano c reates the urge to be creative, independent, and self-sufficient, it also causes a materialistic, somewhat self-opinionated approach that frustrates higher humanitarian qualities. Utano’s name c reates a very independent, practical, analytical nature with skillful business abilities. She desires freedom from restrictions and authority in order that she can pursue her own ambitions. This name gives Utano leadership qualities and she is seldom happy in positions where she must take direction from others. Material and financial success are the focus of Utano’s interests, but sacrificing much for material ambition will result in a lack of harmony and balance in her personal life, particularly a lack of appreciation for social courtesies and things of a more inspirational nature.

Utano's name means "song field".


Michiko - 03AWnv

Although the name Michiko creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, it causes a restless intensity that defies relaxation. Michiko’s name creates a restless, creative nature that takes her into many ventures, but does not allow her to see things through to a satisfactory completion. Michiko’s is a versatile, musical, artistic, but independent nature and she must have the freedom to express her creative ideas and abilities to be happy. An urge for independence causes dissatisfaction and frustration in close relationships and Michiko finds the "ties that bind" restricting. The qualities of this name would find a more constructive outlet in work that involves high-pressure selling or promotional activities, possibly in community affairs, for it contains a positive, driving power.

Michiko’s name means “righteous child, beautiful, wise child”.



Aneko - 04HB

Aneko's name creates the urge to be versatile and ambitious, but it causes blunt expression that alienates others. The name of Aneko has given her the desire for creative, artistic or musical expression in an original way. She strives to be different and have the self-confidence to implement her ideas because she has the perseverance necessary to see something through, despite obstacles. Although Aneko meets new people easily, it is not easy for her to maintain a relaxed, harmonious relationship.

Aneko’s name means “older sister”.

Aneko and Midori are twins. They had been separated for over a year, so were very happy to see each other when Aneko was finally able to immigrate to Canada.

Aneko and Midori are identical twins, can you tell which one is which?


Nani – 02PL

While the name Nani creates the urge to be creative and original, it causes procrastination, lack of confidence, and the inability to realize goals and ambitions. Nani’s name gives her the ability to be creative along practical lines of endeavour. Her ideas can be very original and inventive. She enjoys being with people in a social environment. Nani’s personal appearance is important to her, for she desires to make a good impression on others. Her pleasant manner attracts people to her with their problems and she is capable of offering practical advice, though she may not follow such advice herself. This name causes Nani to be somewhat too concerned with the personalities, problems, and activities of other peopl.

Nani’s name means “beautiful”.


Akemi - 03AWnv

Akemi’s name creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, but it frustrates her through a scattered and emotional nature. The name of Akemi has given her a responsible, expressive, inspirational, and friendly personality. Expression comes naturally to Akemi and she is rarely at a loss for words; in fact, she has to put forth effort at times to curb an over-active tongue. Self-confidence has made it easy for Akemi to meet people and she is well-liked for her spontaneous, happy ways. Akemi sincerely likes people and does not often experience loneliness; her work and home-life are likely filled with association.

Akemi’s name means “bright and beautiful”.


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